Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1999 on minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres

European Legislation
European Legislation
Affected LAPs:
Land use plan (zone prohibition)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting process (include former LAP: emission regulation)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting requirements (include LAP: safety-distances)
Production of hydrogen / Centralised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Simplified process
Production of hydrogen / Localised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Land use plan (zone prohibition)
Production of hydrogen / Localised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting process (include LAP: emission regulation)
Production of hydrogen / Localised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Permitting requirements (include former LAP: safety-distances)
Production of hydrogen / Localised (Electrolysis, Steam-Methane reforming, and H2 liquification)
Safety requirements and process (safety distances internal / external)
Hydrogen as a fuel and refueling infrastructure for mobility purposes / HRS and Hydrogen delivered to stations