Gas network code of Snam Rete gas (TSO)

National Legislation (Italy)
Relation with EU Legislation:
On 1st July 2003 the Authority for electricity and gas approved the Network Code, with Delibera no. 75/03, prepared by Snam Rete Gas, that therefore complies with article 24, sub-section 5, of the Law Decree 23 of May 2000, no. 164 (Letta Decree), trasposing DIR 98/30/EC on common rules for the internal market in natural gas.
Decision of the Regulatory Authority on electricity, gas and water, Mandatory (decree)
On 1st July 2003 the Authority for electricity and gas approved the Network Code, with Delibera no. 75/03, prepared by Snam Rete Gas, that therefore complies with article 24, sub-section 5, of the Law Decree 23 of May 2000, no. 164.
Affected LAPs:
Legal framework: permissions and restrictions (and Ownership constraints (unbundling))
Gas grid issues / Injection of Hydrogen at transmission level (for energy storage and enhancing sustainabily)