ITC MIE–AQP 5 stablishes the safety distances for storage Hydrogen Gas.

National Legislation (Spain)
Relation with EU Legislation:–A–2009–1964
The European Economic Community and later the European Union have come to dictate application directives on certain pressure equipment or devices that have modified the Regulation of Pressure Devices approved in 1979. Thus, Royal Decree 473/1988, of March 30, transposed Directive 76/767 / EEC on pressure equipment; Royal Decree 1495/1991, of October 11 and Royal Decree 2486/1994, of December 23, Directives 87/404 / CEE, 90/488 / CEE and 93/465 / CE on simple pressure vessels; Royal Decree 2549/1994, of December 29, Directives 75/324 / EEC and 94/1 / EEC on aerosol generators; Royal Decree 769/1999, of May 7, Directive 97/23 / CE, relating to pressure equipment, establishing new criteria for the design, manufacture and evaluation of conformity and Royal Decree 222/2001, of 2 March, together with Order CTE / 2723/2002, of October 28 and Royal Decree 2097/2004, of October 22, Directives 1999/36 / EC, 2001/2 / EC and 2002/50 / EC, on transportable pressure equipment
Affected LAPs:
Safety requirements and process (safety distances internal / external)
Hydrogen as a fuel and refueling infrastructure for mobility purposes / HRS and Hydrogen delivered to stations